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  • Search for Alexandra 07/15/00

    The sky was painted blue and the clouds rolled over the horizon when Lord Brightblade of the Praetorian Praefect remarked to Aluim Aster that it looked like a storm was coming. He smiled grimly as he watched the sky.

    Alium nodded in agreement and added, "If only it was rain that would be falling on this field today, Mellon."

    In one quick movement Brightblade dismounted his steed and turned to face William King of Winterfell. "Good King, I come to you as promised. The Legion of Honor dost as well, and as sworn to our Emperor Borg, we shall do as you need this night. Winterfell shall stand through the night," he proclaimed, the sense of honor beaming over his face.

    William replied, "I fear if this be all we have to defend the Keep, then it will fall. I ask that all present here dispatch whatever messengers they have and request they come to bolster our defenses." With that Lord Brightblade did call Vengeance, one of his eagles, to his arm and he did attach a message calling for his friends and brothers in arms to come to the aid of King William.

    Soon a host of allies for the eve did appear through blue portals and thundering down the road on horseback. PGoH was assembling, with Borg and Lord Brightblade giving last minute advice, all the while Borg uttering the phrase "We fight for Honor this night". GoL joined shortly after saying that Vengeance did find them as they were suiting up for adventure of their own that eve. They did line up as well adding their own strength to that of Winterfell and PGoH with their guild mistress Valkarie and Marshall of their forces Omnicron barking orders and preparing troops. Among the noise the shriek of wyrms did arise and Grey's Cowboy and Lone Wolf did appear through blue portals riding jet black mares and toting White Wyrms behind them. The long face of William did turn upward a bit at the sight he was now seeing. Perhaps the goodwill of all to thwart Ventryn this night would overcome whatever undead minions were thrown at them. The troops continued to rally, a Celt here or there a Guard of Northwood seen amongst the hosts of other armies. Even some Elves and a Picts could be seen.

    Soon the good King William was calling for all to quiet and for the first time it was seen that Qua'Tel and Lord Pythos had made their way to the keep almost unnoticed but by a few. William then looked upon six scattered amongst the vast gathering. Filbert Eggcup, Aethal Tar'nyn and Keoliene of Winterfell were called forward, and then a small framed half-elf moon Cordelia. Finally Veldren and Lord Brightblade did come forward for the Purple Guardians. William turned and spoke, "Tonight you venture forth into the spirit world to search for Ventryn's daughter, Alexandra. Know that you hold the hope of all Winterfell as you go and that it can be assured Ventryn will seek to keep you from returning with such information as what she might provide."

    Qua'Tel then beckoned the brave warriors and mages forward and began summoning forth elemental forces to embrace those who would travel the spirit path. With just Lord Brightblade remaining, Pythos turned and spoke, "You will live a few moments longer for we travel to Felluca to continue our search." With that Brightblade opened a facet gate glowing purple into Minax's abomination..Felluca. The sounds of battle rising behind as he stepped through.

    Upon the other side Brightblade did embrace death, and the hunt for Alexandra was on. Pythos spoke of Northwood and how that would be a good place for a start. The six spirits rushed through the morbidly gray world calling for Alexandra where they met a tortured soul, one of Stormguard's scouts, Rilo. He did jump back warning of the undead all around.for he knew not that he was dead and a spirit himself nor of how they would soon overwhelm all and destroy the army. After much coaxing by Cordelia and Keoliene, he did speak of one who might know where Alexandra could be found. Sir Elliar, a captain of Stormguard, who was stationed just south of his location.

    Again the six spirits set out and this time it was Aethal and Veldren who sighted the objective first. Again, like the scout, the captain did battle unseen forces unknowing that he was long dead himself. After a brief chase the noble Filbert did convince the captain that the party's intentions were good and learned that Alexandra was to be found somewhere near the gates of Trinsic's West Gate as part of a scouting party.

    Search for AlexandraAgain they set out and eventually did find Alexandra. Although this did take some time to travel it was nothing compared to the difficulty in convincing her they meant no harm. After some time, Lord Brightblade uttered the name of her father Ventryn and how he was in danger from a great evil. He stated that only she held the knowledge to help destroy the evil and save her father. With this she stopped running and turned to speak to them. She relayed how there were four relics and that there was a fifth, owned by the family Fallshorn which, when in close proximity of the others, manifested great powers. She spoke of the Fallshorn Sword and how it would aid those in stopping the evil that threatened, unknowing that the evil that held her father was his own doing. The spirits thanked her and she asked that they promise to return when the time to save her father neared. All agreed this would be done and she stated she would return to Trinsic's West Gate nightly to await their arrival once again.

    With great speed and hope now the ghosts did run to the healer and prepare for the return trip to Stark's Keep. Sooner than could be thought Portals opened from one world to the next and then to the Keep itself. Through it could be heard the end of a bloody battle with undead. A cheer went up as the once spirits jumped through the gate and with it the strength of the defenders increased so that they overcame the last of the unholy hosts about them.

    William did then turn to those returning and without words beckoned for them to speak. Filbert Eggcup did step forward then and relayed all they had discovered. He spoke of how many of Stormguard's fallen did walk still, and of how after many a trial Alexandra was found. He spoke of the Fallshorn Sword and how it might be used to break the shield Ventryn had formed to protect him. Pythos then spoke of a quest to take place but 5 days from that time at the hour of nine by the central moon.

    Winterfell had staved off yet another attack and that brought hope. King William turned and walked into the Keep thinking, "Hope, yes hope, we have that now. But is it enough and has it come too late?". He knew he would learn the answers to this question all too soon. His shoulders weighed down with his responsibility he turned and entered his bed chambers for what rest he could get.

    - Lord Ser Brightblade

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