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Rise of a new Chieftan


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Maube sat behind her desk, scribbling madly at the parchment before her. Various inkpots spread out before her, parchments and scrolls rolled up within easy reach of her bony clutch.

"So much undocumented history... so much Lore that is just going to be lost... really need tah start givin dese Clanmates ub mine some readin lessons... and writing..." the mage muttered as she scribbled madly. Since being accepted into the clan, she had been making the effort to try and get some order to the madness of the Orc Clan. Her scholar's mind was hard at work trying to keep the legacy of the Crushers. Her recent explorations into the Molten Core however, well they were distracting her. Something about Fire and brimstone called to her... and not for the first time she wondered if she should pick up the arts of the Warlock. Volonazra was her mentor... the first Orc to give her a chance in the new consiousness that was her life now. Living her experienece was limited, her body may look only 18... but her spirit and her experience was aging her. Sidetracked again Maube reached beside her to grab a large scroll. Rolling it out Maube glanced at the decorated map of the Core. A smile touched her bloodless lips as she noted her Clan's progress.

We are coming Ragnaros... no doubt about that...

A young troll floundered into her tent, his chest heaving with the effort to breath. Maube looked up calmly to take in this youth, an eyebrow quirked.

"Sorree Marm. Eldahs bin called to dah Towah!" The Troll stood tall and saluted, "Uglutz be channelin dah spirits!" A hasty bow and the troll was off again, spreading his message. A loud horn call began to reverberate through the camp. Summons to the Tower... Volonazra's Tower. It had been empty since the old venerated Orc stepped through to Draenor, but apparently a new Chieftan was about to be revealed.

Maube glanced at the map and sighed. A new Chieftan to prove herself to... some of the Clan still didnt trust a 'Deadie' in a leadership roll like Elder. It was a hurdle she still had to fight off. More then likely the new Chieftan would be a current elder, a wise Tauren perhaps? Of course times were changing... and a warleader might be what the spirits had in mind. Only one way to find out, Maube rose, capped her ink pots and swirled her cape around her shoulders. Chin held high, Maube joined the procession of the Horde to the base of the Tower.


(( Feel free to add your own in =) more will be coming in the current days! ))

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Orcs and Tauren towered over her, occasionally glancing her way. Unlike many of the Forsakken, Maube did not shy away from being included in the pack. many of the Clan's forsakken were still unsure of their standing among the Clan, and stayed off to one side, segregating themselves. Maube however, did not let the larger of her allies push her around. There was respect there, for her and her abilities, but Maube did not let it go to her head, much.

Nearing the base of the tower, she found herself behind a wall of large Tauren. her slight frame made it hard to peek between the heavily muscled bodies and brute force was out of the question. Tapping one on the hip she sought his attention.

"Scuze me Mistah Moo, ah ken't see!" A wide grin settled across her face as the Tauren turned and Maube recognized Smedlock. The Tauren warrior winked and then swooped down to hoist the lithe mage onto his shoulder.


Maube laughed and scritched him behind an ear. "Indeed Smedders, glad ah up here an not down dere... I know Uglutz was makin cabbage soup fer lunch!"

The Tauren warrior chuckled then turned his attention to the base of the tower. Maube rested a small hand on Smedlock's horn as she watched the proceedings. Uglutz was dancing around a bonfire, Totems springing up around him as the elements began to answer the Shaman's calls. Sparks swirled upwards from the massive bonfire glittering like fireflies in the dusky air.

The orc's chants were soft, occasionally punctuaed with a harsh syllable. As Maube watched, she realized the Elders were standing to the back, barely touched upon by the light of the fire. Muru, Gordantell, Huato, Grawuulf. Her friends and companions these past seasons. It seemed so strange that Volonazra wasnt standing there, cowled, his blood red eyes watching the proceedings... but Maube felt his presence, a whispering in the air that was deeper then the songs of the Elements.

The new Chieftan would rise to power, with the blessing of the old Orc.

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Rhoach, cloaked in shadow, watched from his vantage point at the top branch of one of the sparsely leafed trees nearby.

A cockroach rested on his head, also apparently surveying the scene.

Rhoach cleaned his nails with a dagger. The cockroach fluttered its wings, seeming impatient.

They both waited.

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Thunder crackled in the air as the Elements conferred with Uglutz, the crowd of Horde was hushed as everyone watched intently. The flames in the bonfire changing colors as herbs were thrown within.

Maube watched intently as pictures formed within the dancing flames. Mesmerized she tapped Smedlock on the shoulder and pointed to the ground, eyes not leaving the pictures in the flames. Smedlock blinked, but set the mage on the ground.

"Somethin be strange.."

Maube held up a dainty hand, 'Hush Smed... don't you see it? In the Flames..." cautiously Maube slid forwards, eyes never leaving the bonfire. The Tauren blinked again and watched Maube go.

"i dont see anything..." Was his reply, but Maube did not hear him.

As she moved forwards, the remaining clan parted before her, but the Mage was oblivious.

We are here Maube. We are here Child. The Spirits of the Elements. The Voice of the Clan. The Ancestors speak through us, and we have a test for you.

Maube blinked, the moment lost as she straightened, almost directly ontop of the bonfire. The heat was intense and the sparks brushed her skin and hair without burning.

Humility Maube. You may be a voice of power, but never forget those who have supported you as the Earth Supports all life.

Visions of her first meeting with Volonazra flashed through her eyes, her cowed posture as she tried to avoid the savage distrusting Orc.

Passion Maube. Bring the Clan back to their Glory, Enflame them with your passion and keep their hunger for Glory fed as the Flames in your camp.

A smile tugged the Mage's lips as the reminder of the map in her chambers, the map to the Lair of Ragnaros, the foe her Clan was preparing to battle even now.

Wisdom Maube. Be flexible and know when to be kind and when to be hard. As the gentle rain falls to nourish, the flood can wash all away.

Hands clenching into fists Maube remembered the floods of her life that could destroy an entire harvest in one night, but without the rain there would be nothing. Her own dealings with the Clan were proof of that, tempered in fire and water.

Honor Maube. Never forget those who have come before and those who will come after. Respect all around you, even when they treat others with less then desirable manners. Grow your roots, do not be a seed to be blown around on the slightest breeze.

Maube stiffened, her resolve was growing stronger, but still at times she felt weak as a newborn kitten. She would be flexible, and she would bend when she had to, and be firm when the situation warrented it. Never an easy task... such would help her through the rest of her exsistance...

A thought struck her as she stared unblinking into the flames... why was she of all Clanmembers being told these lessons...


(( feel free to add your replies, during this exchange Maube is caught in a trance beside the bonfire, though she is the only one to hear the voices, unless you are a shaman :yub: Finale to come soon))

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maube blinked, the trance broken for a moment. Her vision still blurry from staring at the flames, she glanced upwards to meet the scarred face of Uglutz. Thick muscular arms crossed over his chest as he examined the young Forsaken. Maube straightened, as she stared her friend down. Uglutz snorted then reached out and clapped his hand over Maube's shoulder.

"Latz'l do."

Still stunned Maube just stared at him.

Uglutz turned to the silent throng of Crushers, waved his hammer over his head and roared, "For the Skullcrushers! For the Chieftan! Hail the Chieftan Maube!"

A moment of stunned silence, then the roars and cheers began. Maube felt herself being pulled into the throng of Orcs, Trolls and Taurens. Her delicate body wouldnt be able to handle the hearty congratulations of the strong around her, but luckily, she was saved. Smedlock waded into the fray, lifted Maube up on his shoulders and moved through the crowd. Hordebeasts parted ways before him and Maube just sat there stunned, looking around.

Many were pleased, among her own kind there was a change, suddenly they werent put off as weaklings anymore, the segregation was breaking up. She saw more and more Forsakken mingle within the greater bulk of orcs and Tauren. However, Maube did notice the small knot of Crushers break off from the main group and glare at the Tauren carrying their new chief.

Not everyone was happy with a 'Deadie' as Chieftan.

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Up from his lofty vantage point, Rhoach chuckled and watched the scene, dancing a copper across his knuckles.

He glanced upwards at the cockroach perched on his head.

"Another day, another silver, eh Lyudmila?"

((Great story, and a long time coming, Maube! :dancing_smile: ))

Edited by Rhoach
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