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A chieftains rise.


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Chapter Ash

Three weeks past. Inside the smoky, dank sanctuary where he studies the shadow, Volonazra has fallen asleep amidst his tomes and glyphs. An imp toils with a bubbling cauldron and taunts the cat in the next room....

~~~"Cap'n git ub, da clan...! Wez in truble!" cried some peon. Volonazra scans a horrific battle field filled with fire, ash, broken bodies, and scorched earth, sees the clan ravaged and weakened. The wounded survivors staggering toward him, seeking guidance and comfort. "Wat happen? Wer da boss?" ~~~ (Wat wuz dat? me dreamin hmm. got ta git back ta wurk. Uki more light will help me stay wak.) Volonazra lights more candles and returns to the ancient tome.

~~~darkness, nothingness, yet tangible...something. Oppressive...falling....no sinking...perhaps. (Wer dis? Ah dis am da nether void! How me git...) Great shadowy fire talons burst from the stillness and grip Volonazra like a ragdoll. "GRAAAWWW Me gruk lat demon! Lat hab nub powa ova me!" Volonazra knowing that the will is the true power here, begins to fight the unknown demon. Growing in size and form to match the size thing that attempted to hold him. Taking upon himself the shadows to release himself from the demon grasp. Blurry,fast, cloudy. Pain...grappling...fire....shadow....shreding...souls~~~

(Wha wha mmph. Agin da void enter me dreams. Me shuld start skribul dreams down. Wat dis all mean?)He wipes the drool from his tusks while trying to get his bearings.

Volonazra decides to take himself to bed as nothing is accomplished sleeping upon the tomes.

In the demon tongue Volonazra begins a chant:"Sarkresh i summon you to me this night as protector and servant. I have bound your will. You are mine to command!" As the ritual ends, the succubus enters from the nether and is eager to serve its master. Sarkresh stands on cloven feet that clop upon the cobbled floor. She smiles evily and moans:"MMM master, it has been to long." She slides up to Volonazra and wraps her pink tail around his thigh while embracing him. Volonazra relaxes and says:"Me gu sleebie nuw. Lat watch ova me." Sarkresh says seductivly:"Is that all my love, shall i tuck you in?" "Zugzug dat wuld please me tuu. Nub bite su much dis tyme." The succubus gives a sly grin and shuts the chamber door. Whippish...giggle.

to be continued----

Edited by Volonazra
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Chapter Dub

~~A raven...guiding me...no chasing me....forcing me...got to get away....its watching me...got to hide...ritual...roaring fires...ancient spirits...gathering of elders....pointing at me...no, beckoning me...scared...the ancient spirits gather around Volonazra and he half kneels, half cowers before the clan elders. "VOLONAZRA! Storms are brewing. Storms of war, storms of da Burning Legion, agh storms uv da Gods. Unly da wurthy will survive des times. Lat will be needed. Da Skullcrushers hab choice latz must mak. Already, skullcrushers flee ta find shelter with other unworthy clans becauz latz nub strong. Volonazra mak clan skullcrusher stong ur lat, agh all lat kind, will be smash'd inta dust agh blown away by da wind. "Huw me du dat? Me just ash urk. Wat kan i du ta sav da whole clan?" "Seek out da wurthy. Luuk inta da suulz agh weigh dem. Unly da strong ov spirit agh hart kan help lat clan survive." "Me nub gruk" "Ah chieftain gruks. In time Volonara. Heed ur wurds, nuw gu." ~~~

Volonazra bolted up in his bed and yelled "Me nub ah wise chieftain. Huw me judge da wurthy?" Sarkresh, lying on him, is startled by the shouting and says:"What is it? What are you blahing about?" Rubbing his head and trying to shake off the fog of sleep he replies:"Nubfing, me jus had ah nightmare...erm dream." Volonazra moved out from under the succubus which was draped over him and got out of bed. He moved to the closet where he kept his robe and assorted trinkets. Upon opening the doors, a flash of green flame. Volonazra jumped back and stumbled upon the floor, which amused the succubus still lying upon the bed. Sarkresh giggled:"Ahhh...did something frighten the big tough orc?" "Hold lat tongue servant ur me will hold it for lat!" he snapped. Volonazra peered back into the closet and beheld a strange orb that he did not recognize. He said:"Sarkresh git in dat chest and hand me da gloves inside agh gu git da buuk named Grimoire of Otherworld from my collection. Hurry!"

to be continued.....

Edited by Volonazra
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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter three...

The orb crackled and flared upon the marble lab desk. Illuminating the grey stone walls with a green hue. Volonazra poured over old tomes to find any information that would shed some light on what the object was. No text described it. Volonazra pondered why he was now in possession of such a thing. Volonzara spent the next several days testing the objects properties with divining rituals and incantations. The orb gave up no indicators of its purpose, almost resisting the divining. Late into the third night, he was exhausted and weak from lack of eating and sleeping. He decided he would need to find and consult a higher authority in obscure objects. Perhaps the Forsaken or Trolls had the answers he sought.

Volonazra summoned Grimlos the imp. Grimlos, whos body was more flame than matter, may be able to handle the object since the gloves Volonazra used to get it to the lab were destroyed. "Grimlos, pik ub dat orb. Wez going tu da Undercity." Volonazra said. Grimlos whimpered and mumble insults under his breath but obeyed. When the little imp grasped the orb, the orb began to pulse with a green light from within the center of the object. The imp could do nothing but stare as the the pulses grew brighter and faster. Volonazra watched as the imp began convulsing and squealing in agony. The imp fell to the floor, and the orb crashed to the ground with him. It rolled upon the floor and came to rest, strangely enough,at the feet of Volonazra. "SKAH! Why hab yuu come to me?" he cursed at the orb. Grimlos weakly gasped:"Boss...eh...im not doing to good...need to return home..." With a aggitated wave of his hand, Volonazra released the imp back to the twisted nether.

Volonazra pondered why fate dropped this thing in his lap. What could it have to do with him? To take hold of this orb was risky, but seemed what must be done. He subdued his fear, gritted his teeth and reached for the firey orb. Visions of his dreams came back to him. Could this be a gift from the ancestors? Slowly, Volonazra put his bare hand down to gather the orb from the floor.

To be continued....

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"Unly da wurthy will survive des times. Lat will be needed. Da Skullcrushers hab choice latz must mak. Already, skullcrushers flee ta find shelter with other unworthy clans becauz latz nub strong."

Interesting. Soon afterwards, Volonazra reaches level 60.

Lat'z strong now. Wutz comin next?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter Fuur

Volonazra readied his nerves, summoned his courage, and calmed his mind. Reaching his bare hand for the orb and bracing for pain. Pain had been his ally for many endevors along the shadow path. His hand slowly etched closer, closer. He saw that the flames didnt not reach to consume his hand, but parted, moved away from where he attempted to grasp the core. Finally, he held it. He stood up and peered at the wonderous object he now possessed. It was warm, yet no harm came to him from the green fire it eminated.

He moved over to his old wooden chair that he sat in countess nights studying. Sitting down he held the orb over his desk, mistakingly ignigting some parchments upon it. He tossed the smoldering papers upon the floor, and focused on the orb. He took the orb into both hands and a surge force filled his body and his conciousness was transported far from the dank laboratory.

He observed the homeworld, Draenor, from far above. He was then show visions of the great ork civilization of old. He was then, suddenly, inside a great palace. Then, inside a huge throne room and surrounded by many forms. The forms beckoned him. He submitted to their summons and moved closer. The forms revieled themselves, it was the ancestors. Ancient legends he had read told him these were ancient ancestors and chieftains of great power. He knelt before them in reverence, and bowed his head.

A voice large and booming called to him. "Volonazra, you know why you are here. Your people are now free of the Dreadlords enslavement, but remain on Azeroth. The Dreadlords will never cease trying to regain what they feel is their property. The Alliance fear the Horde and seek to remove you from Azeroth. Hard times face you and the peoples of the Horde. You must gather strength to face these times. Return to us with the orb when you seek guidance. Go home now with this quest set before you. Your chieftains have grown weary from the great wars. They will aide you in your quest and know what must be done. Go home Chieftain of Clan Skullcrusher your people await. Protect them from corruption, remind them of our noble heritage. Give them wisdom of the times ahead and help them prepare for them. Look to Thrall as an example of what can be done. We will be watching.

When the voice finished speaking to Volonazra, he regained conciousness back in his humble tower. He still held the orb. The sight of it now put more fear into him than ever before. Centering himself, he contemplated upon what he experienced. He then conjured his will and prepared to summon that part of him others know as a felsteed. He raced, upon hoves of flame, into the night to Durotar to seek those that would heed his wisdom and answer the call to gather strength in unity. He was determined not to let his people down. He could not, he was the chieftain.

The End

(and yet, the beginning)

Edited by Volonazra
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