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Journal Entry: The Evil Eye Tavern

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NBBN: 16661-02050


I arrived at Rift's End during dawns glow. Schneider DragonFang was already there waiting, waving me over to him, just to the side of the pier. We headed down the path towards the town.


Several others were milling about on the road, just outside of a tavern. A woman wearing white mage robes, a slender man dressed almost completely in green, and another man, whom I had recently just met at Honor Hold, known as Obsidian Tempest. He had come to visit Schneider DragonFang at his garrison.


"Hello", I said to the group.


"Hi!", said the woman wearing the white robes.


The man in green looked over at us, "Hi Schneider!".


"The tree fort is this way Brazzen", smiled Audacity to another woman that I hadn't noticed before. She was wearing the clothing of an Ardoris Priestess.


I followed them to the Tree Fort. I could tell it was of Elven make, clearly, given the vines and dark wood. I soon became quite preoccupied and got lost with studying the intricacies of the place. Crap… Where did everyone go?


"This is why you need your own bed Aud!", I heard the man in green say from somewhere up above, whose name I later learned was Jarikith.


"I learned from the best", Audacity giggled.


What is going on up there… I climbed the stairs and went to one of the side chambers to find Audacity jumping up and down on a bed. I just shook my head. Who are these people?


I saw another woman back in the Tree House, whose name was Liquid Sky. I waved, she waved back. She would be joining the party on our hunt. But first, I needed some proper gear.


My interests in the arcane had been consuming my thoughts. I was still equipped with my elder archer elven gear and I had my bow. But the bow was hindering me as I practiced new schools of magic. I needed something to help focus these arcane energies.




Back outside the Tavern, Jarikith overheard my conversations with Obsidian Tempest about my interests in the arcane and offered his services. He is quite the crafter of wands from what I hear.


"Any material preference on the wands?", Jarikith asked pleasantly.


"I.. Uh, I don't know. What properties do they give?", I asked. I've never owned a wand or used a wand.


"Well, pine will focus your spells, giving them a greater chance to hit your enemies weaknesses. Maple increases your overall offensive arcane power on your spells", said Jarikith.


"I think I'll go with Maple. I'd rather have more overall power..", I said, thinking that having an average higher overall power to my spells would be more beneficial. Other than Air, Water, and Life magic, and the Light spell from Sun I did not have experience in other schools of magic… Yet.


"Maple it is! The wood only good for wands and furniture!", said Jarikith happily.




While Jar was creating a set of wands I was shown the inside of the Evil Eye Tavern. Skulls lined the walls, even Schneider's skull was displayed. They even had the skulls of Lord British and Darkstarr balanced on a scale! Obsidian Tempest indicated that I should "donate" my skull to the tavern.


"My skull?", I asked, the blood draining from my face, "And how do you plan to get my skull…?".


Audacity spoke up, "It'll be quick, I promise", she said smiling sweetly.


Really?, I thought. First my hand to Drocis, which was not voluntary, and now my skull to... a tavern? Looking around at all of the other "donated" skulls, I just shrugged, "Fine".




Audacity is quite the accomplished magic user. She pelted me with Obsidian Arrows, shocked me with Chain Lightning, which I am quite familiar with from the Air School. But the last spell she cast shocked me, not physically, but mentally, resurfacing an encounter I had from four months ago.


I had felt this magic before, but not from one in beautiful flowing white robes. He was wearing black robes. The last time I felt Death Ray was when I was attempting to break into a keep. Drocis Fondorlatos's keep.




My ghostly form hovered in front of the Evil Eye Tavern while Audacity cast her resurrection spell. The only thing I could focus on was the fact she used death magic. You can be of the white robes, known for goodness, life, and still practice death magic? Anyone could practice death magic? I could practice death magic…




I was resurrected fully geared. That's quite a magnificent spell, allowing you to be brought back to life with all of your gear and items intact. Well, almost fully geared, I felt a breeze and glanced down, "Where are my pants?".


Audacity giggled, "I have that effect on others".


I blinked, what… "Did you loot my corpse?", I asked, straight-faced.


"I'm not that kind of girl!", Audacity replied smiling, indicating my pants to the side on the marble pathway.


I sighed. What have I gotten myself into? "Did you get what you were after?"


"No, we had difficulty procuring your skull", said Audacity.


"Don't worry. Aud is fully prepared to kill you as absolutely many times and needed!", Jarikith said and laughed slapping his knee.






After two more deaths, she was finally able to procure my skull for their collection.


Back in the Inn, Obsidian Tempest was talking to me. Mentioning something about a Tower of High Sorcery and about Audacity. However, I was not paying attention and tucked what he was saying away, which would have an impact on my future.


Audacity and Brazzen were on stage. Audacity cheered as Brazzen started dancing a jig and decided to join in on the fun. She was no longer wearing her white robes but some scantily clad clothing. She walked over to an iron cage and proceeded to slip inside to belly dance.


What is going on here?


As I waited in the Inn for my wands to be made, watching the women, but more focused on my thoughts thinking about the contract with Drocis… and his death magic… I could hear Jarikith upstairs shout out in excitement, "Whee! Three out ten wands came up with extra durability! And two survived double master working!".


I smiled, getting excited as well… for the wands, not the women dancing on stage. My overwhelming need was for magic, not the physical pleasures. Well, almost, after all, I do have my vices. With some frothing ale still on my beard, I asked: "When do we begin the hunt?"




To be continued.

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